Unknown error 500 - On pushing image to private docker registry

I have created a private docker registry based on the instruction in the following link.


When I try to push an image , some layers are uploaded but after sometime it is showing 500 error.

I am not sure whether there is a permission issue because some part is uploaded in object storage. Please find the error logs I am getting in the pod

time="2023-05-04T06:30:58.435755707Z" level=error msg="unknown error completing upload: s3aws: AccessDenied:
status code: 403, request id: tx000007b34386555f60475-0064535122-909be19-default, host id: " auth.user.name="registry_user" go.version=go1.16.15 http.request.host=registry.seqrops.in http.request.id=c77656dc-abe0-4249-abb1-2fdf6b08799b http.request.method=PUT http.request.remoteaddr= http.request.uri="/v2/*/blobs/uploads/ffc73f4f-bedf-448d-83d8-e4d36798a2f5?_state=69rOn0gAbD2bUMTxlax102RZa-HYwfJUPdHvmNSC4rt7Ik5hbWUiOiJzZXFyb3BzL2Fzc2V0bW9kZWwtc3ZjIiwiVVVJRCI6ImZmYzczZjRmLWJlZGYtNDQ4ZC04M2Q4LWU0ZDM2Nzk4YTJmNSIsIk9mZnNldCI6NTE2OTcwNjQsIlN0YXJ0ZWRBdCI6IjIwMjMtMDUtMDRUMDY6MzA6MzFaIn0%3D&digest=sha256%3A407c40dc4dcd8e1dedce22309be211c3c7001477259a3b8a579cad357ab9efcd" http.request.useragent="docker/20.10.24+azure-1 go/go1.19.6 git-commit/5d6db842238e3c4f5f9fb9ad70ea46b35227d084 kernel/5.15.0-1036-azure os/linux arch/amd64 UpstreamClient(Docker-Client/20.10.24+azure-1 (linux))" vars.name="" vars.uuid=ffc73f4f-bedf-448d-83d8-e4d36798a2f5

Please note I am trying to upload image from azure pipeline.


3 Replies

It looks like you're running into an issue where your Docker image upload to your private registry is failing because of an "AccessDenied" error. This error could be caused by a few different things, like incorrect credentials or a wonky bucket policy.

To get things working, I recommend first double-checking that you have the correct credentials with the right permissions set. Then you will want to make sure that your bucket policy is properly configured. If you have already attempted these steps, you may want to review the following links I discovered while researching the error.

A Github user discovered that a similar error was caused by an incorrect IAM policy permission:

A StackOverflow user noted that adding s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads to the bucket-level permissions block resolved a similar error:

Ultimately, if the issue persists, you may want to take a look at additional logs to see if there are any other error messages.


I have the similar issue as well.

I currently have two applications, and previously both of their Docker images were successfully pushed to my private Docker registry. However, one of the applications is now encountering an issue where it fails to push its image and enters a retry loop. I haven't made any changes or updates related to my Docker registry.

Ran into a similar problem using Linode Object Storage. Seems like something is wrong on Linode side


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