PFSense crossing 100% CPU Usage due to dhcpd

I have Installed PFSense over Linode and observing every time my PFSense is crossing 100% CPU usage due to execess usage of dhcpd. Where I am not running any traffic on it still its crossing CPU Usage limit.

I have tried to to disable the DHCP service in PFSence but no luck.Can someone please assist how to reduce the CPU Usage?

1 Reply

I wasn't able to find much about how to stop dhcpd from using too much CPU with PFSense, but I did find an ArchLinux forum that sounds similar. That suggests the version of dhcpd being used could be a problem, so you may want to check the version and see if upgrading is an option for your distro and specific needs.

I also found some information about how to turn off .dhcpd on an Ubuntu forum, which may help. That also mentions a possible data mining tool that could be hiding behind .dhcpd, but I have no reason to believe that's what's happening beyond that response.

While I'm not sure this will help with your current instance, I might be able to help with avoiding this in future deployments. There are two options for networking when first deploying a server with us. If you deploy with Network Helper on globally, then Network Helper will edit files on your behalf to configure static networking. If it's turned off before you deploy, DHCP will be turned on to lease an IP address to the instance and the dynamic networking will be used.

If using Network Helper on your servers is an option, I'd recommend making sure that option is turned on at the account level. You can always disable it for individual compute instances later and manually configure the networking. Whether you choose to use it any one instance, having it enabled at the account level should stop DHCP from running in most cases, which may prevent this issue.

Depending on what you're using PFSense for, these options may not be the best, and someone more familiar with PFSense might be able to offer more help.


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