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    Build, run, and secure your cloud workloads on Akamai Connected Cloud, a massively distributed edge and cloud platform. Sign up today or contact us to learn more.

  2. New Global Sites, Services & Improved Performance

    Continuing our journey to build a cloud for the needs of the next decade, not the last.
    Premium CPU Plans
  3. Compute & Storage

    Virtual machines and tools for every workload plus  dependable, easily-accessible storage and management.

  4. Security Solutions

    Stay safe from threats without slowing down. Akamai surrounds and protects your entire ecosystem — clouds, apps, APIs, and users.

  5. Delivery Solutions

    You create extraordinary digital experiences. Trust the agility and scale of the Akamai Connected Cloud to help you flawlessly deliver them.


Scale your business on the most distributed compute, security, and delivery platform — from cloud to edge. *New sites just launched. Learn more.

World Map
  • Existing Planned Core
  • Planned Distributed
  • Existing Edge


Develop faster with powerful one-click apps, managed services, technical documentation, and developer videos.

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Cut your cloud bills in half with bundled extras like DDoS Protection, cloud firewalls, and generous transfer.

Leading price-performance

Cut your cloud infrastructure bills in half without sacrificing performance.

$36.00 / mo
$62.78 / mo
$72.27 / mo

Dedicated 4 GB RAM, 2 CPUs, 80GB

“Phenomenally-generous bandwidth that has shown us savings of around 60% over AWS even without considering the savings on hardware.”

Jonathan Oliver, CEO & CTO

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Set up your free account today or contact a sales consultant to learn more.

Looking for pricing and comparisons? Explore our interactive pricing tools

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