Failed to mount /dev/sda as root file system

Just started a brand new Grafana instance and booted it up. WebLISH gave me this.

4CPU/8GB Dedicated

2 Replies

This seems likely to be a known bug with GRUB 2. You can read more about it in another Community Question and in our Documentation here:

My basic understanding of the issue is that each time the server is booted, it has to choose which disk to boot first. For most new instances, the choices are the primary disk or the swap disk. Depending on various factors, there are different ways that the system can decide which to use first. If you use GRUB 2 with some distros, it doesn't know the right order and every reboot has a small chance of accidentally aiming for the swap disk first. Since there is no OS on the disk, the server has nothing to boot from. Another reboot will usually fix it, but again, any single reboot has a chance of using the wrong disk.

The easiest fix in the long-term, and likely the best option for most use cases, is to switch from GRUB 2 to the Linode Kernel.


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